For over fifty years, Redwood Hill Farm has led the charge to bring the great benefits of goat dairy to communities across the country. At the heart of what we do is a deep love for our goats and for their delicious, nourishing milk.
Over the next half-century, Jennifer Bice built on her affection for these endearing animals with her pioneering farm—which became the first Certified Humane® goat dairy in the United States—her award-winning herd that is famous among breeders, and the creamery she built only a few miles down the road. Jennifer’s dream was to share the undeniable goodness of goats and their incredibly nutritious milk with people from coast to coast. Today, that’s still our mission and our passion.
Today, we’re as committed as ever to the highest standards of animal welfare. All of our milk comes from Certified Humane® farms owned by families who take pride in being stewards of their land and their herds. That means Twilight, Zimba, Raindrop, and the rest of our goats are raised in an environment of love and respect. Free to be their sweet, sassy, hilarious selves.
LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR ANIMAL WELFARE PRACTICESIt wasn’t until the 1800’s that the word kid was extended to children.
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