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Casein is a natural protein found in all milk. Some people have an intolerance or allergy to casein—especially alpha s1 casein, which occurs in high levels in most cow milk. Goat milk is generally lower in alpha S1 casein and often contains a higher percentage of alpha s2 casein, depending on the breed. Casein comprises 70-80% of the proteins in goat milk; whey proteins account for the other 20-30%. Whey contains many of the important nutrients in yogurt and kefir that aid in muscle development and support the body’s immune response.

If you have been diagnosed with a milk protein allergy, goat milk may not be right for you. It is important that you consult your physician or health provider before making any dietary changes.

Goat milk naturally contains slightly less lactose than cow milk, and is therefore not lactose free. Our goat milk yogurts and kefirs both contain about 2% lactose, compared to 4.9% in whole cow milk.1

We do produce lactose-free yogurt, kefir, sour cream, cream cheese, and butter made with organic cow milk under our sister brand, Green Valley Creamery. Visit to learn more.

There are key nutritional differences between cow milk and goat milk that make goat milk easier for many people to digest:

  • The average size of the fat globules in goat milk is smaller than in cow milk and forms a smaller, softer curd in the stomach. This allows stomach enzymes to break down the curds faster, making it more easily digestible.1
  • Unlike cow milk, goat milk is “naturally homogenized”, meaning that the cream does not separate when left to settle. Goat milk dairy is less processed because we don’t need to perform the extra step of homogenization.
  • Approximately 7% of children in the U.S. have symptoms of cow milk allergy, which can be attributed to reactions to alpha S1 casein or whey proteins in milk. Depending on the breed, goat milk contains negligible levels of alpha S1 casein. Research studies suggest that 40% or more of patients allergic to cow milk tolerate goat milk well.
  • Goat milk contains significantly higher levels of short and medium-chain fatty acids than cow milk (this is also what gives goat milk its unique and delicious flavor). Research suggests that these fatty acids are more rapidly digested, providing quick energy for the body.
  • Goat and cow milk both contain many important vitamins and minerals. Goat milk is higher in calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamin A, and vitamin C than whole cow milk. It contains less vitamin B-12, folate, selenium, and riboflavin than cow milk.

Many people also prefer the flavor of goat milk to cow milk. It has a grassy, earthy, sweet flavor that is simply delicious. We use only the freshest milk possible, resulting in a clean and mild flavor, without the “goatiness” some people associate with goat products. Give it a try and see why more people in the world drink goat milk than any other milk!