More than ever, we’re aware of how our food choices impact the health of our planet and our communities. Goats provide a delicious, real-milk option but with a considerably lighter hoofprint than their bovine counterparts.
Dairy goats need less water per gallon of milk produced than most other livestock raised for dairy. They also produce nearly 20 times less methane per kilogram of body weight than cows.3 Unlike cows, goats also display great resilience to heat and are considered the dairy animal most adaptable to the kind of high temperature environments expected as a result of climate change.4
In developing countries, raising goats can empower women as income earners, improve food security and nutrition, and even challenge gender norms. Aid projects in Uganda, Guatemala, and Afghanistan have all demonstrated the transformational power of goats.
1Hribar, Carrie. “Understanding Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations and Their Impact on Communities.” National Association of Local Boards of Health, 2010.
2Darcan, N.K. and Nissim Silanikove. “The Advantages of Goats for Future Adaptation to Climate Change.” Small Ruminant Research, Elsevier, 2017.
3Paul J. Grotzen, Ingo Aselmann & Wolfgang Seiler: Methane Production of Domestic Animals, Wild Ruminants, Other Herbivorous Fauna, and Humans. Max-Planck-Institute for Chemistry, Department of Air Chemistry, Germany (1986).
4Navarette-Molina et al. “Not all ruminants were created equal: Environmental and socio-economic sustainability of goats ujndera arginal-extensive prodution system.” Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020.
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