Twilight, Zimba, Raindrop, and the rest of our herd are raised in an environment of mutual love and respect. Free to be their happy, sassy, hilarious selves. We source all of our milk from Certified Humane® farms owned by families who take pride in being stewards of their land and their herds.
The animal welfare standards for Certified Humane® were created by a Scientific Committee comprised of 40 scientists and veterinarians from all over the world. For goats, requirements include:
Animals must receive a nutritious diet free of antibiotics or hormones. They must be raised with shelter, resting areas, and space that are sufficient to support their natural behavior.
Goats, unlike sheep or cattle, do not tolerate rain or wind. Therefore, adequate shelter must be provided at all times to protect them from inclement weather.
Being social and gregarious animals, goats must be housed within sight or sound of goats or other animals.
Milking, shearing, and clipping procedures must meet HFAC standard.
Sometimes just a single, but often triplets are born. Quadruplets, like the four Alpine cuties here, occur occasionally, and a few times we’ve had quintuplets!
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