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Meet Twilight Redwood Hill Farm’s Rising Star

All the goats raised at Redwood Hill Farm are special, but once in a while a kid comes along that steals your heart. Twilight is one such special girl. Whether receiving hugs during the farm’s “Kid Cuddle” days, or just showing off her leaping skills to the other spring kids, Twilight is a crowd favorite.

Snack Time
When it comes to her diet, Twilight receives a combination of colostrum (their mother’s precious, antibody-rich first milk) and Redwood Hill Farm and Creamery goat milk kefir. Farm manager Scott Bice says that “the probiotics in kefir have improved the overall health of the goat kids, as kefir aids digestion just like it does for humans.”

Curious Creatures
If you look closely, you can see a small leaf poking out of Twilight’s mouth in the photo above. Goats are very curious and will explore the world around them with their lips. No, goats won’t eat just anything, but even at this young age, kids are nibbling and learning.

Family Ties
Pictured left is 4-year-old Twinkle, Twilight’s proud mother. She was a blue-ribbon winner at our local Sonoma County, CA fair, and graces the farm with her beauty and sweet, rich milk. The Nubian breed is easily recognizable among the dairy goat breeds for their long ears and convex nose bridge. Nubians are known for giving milk with a high butterfat percentage, perfect for creamy & mild Redwood Hill Farm goat milk yogurt. Twilight’s father is a buck named Atlas who lives at Wingwood Farm in neighboring Mendocino County.

Twilight’s grandmother, Talasi, has been one of the farm’s top Nubians for several years. Now 8 years old, Talasi has been named Grand Champion three times during her career and has given the farm thousands of pounds of milk. A regal doe, the farmhands love her for her sweet disposition.

A Bright Future
Although Twilight was just born on February 20, 2019 she appears destined to follow in her family’s “hoof steps” as a winner in the show ring. The purebred dairy goats at Redwood Hill Farm are registered with the American Dairy Goat Association, which collects, records and preserves dairy goat pedigrees. Her full, registered name will be Redwood Hill’s Atlas Twilight. We hope you’ll follow her journey with us as we watch her grow up at the farm.

Follow Along
You can follow Twilight in her adventures growing up on the farm on social media! Since she’s such a special girl she’s getting her own day, #TwilightTuesday. Follow us on FacebookInstagram and Twitter to keep up to speed on all things Twilight!

For now, Twilight (napping in back) enjoys snuggling with the other kids at Redwood Hill Farm, where a goat’s life is the good life.